
PO Box 520511 Flushing, NY 11352-0511

Documents Check List to be Affiliated with STUF under STUF Affiliate Program

(Please send all information by email to, do not send hard copy to save some tree, Thank You)

  1. Letter of intent signed by two executive officers of NPO/NGO on official letterhead with Board Certified Resolution. (See below Sample Letter of Intent).
  2. Corporate Documents, such as a. Certificate and Article of Incorporation, b. IRS or equivalent National exempt status letter. c. Board Certified Resolution to be affiliated with STUF United Fund Inc and Authorized Executive Officers to execute related documents.
  3. List of Board of Directors and Executive Officers with Name, Title and Email Address. (If there is any family relationship among directors/officers, please so indicated.)
  4. Past three years activities information sheet and pictures. (If NPO keep updated web site, provide web site address would be sufficient.)
  5. Past three years Tax return and financial statements. (Waived if such financial information are posted on web.)


Letter of Intent Sample (Please use your NPO/NGO official letterhead)

To STUF United Fund Inc c/o Yvonne Chang, Chairlady, STUF Affiliates Committee via

On behalf of (name of NPO/NGO), as duly authorized executive officers, we would like to be affiliated with STUF United Fund Inc. under STUF Affiliate Program as outlined on STUF website. Enclosed please find related documents for your consideration:

Enclosed please find related Corporate Documents as following:

  1. Certificate and Articles of Incorporation,
  2. IRS or equivalent National Exempt Status Certificate letter,
  3. Board Certified Resolution to be Affiliated with STUF United Fund Inc. with Name and Title of Two unrelated Executive Officers who are authorized to execute related documents. (See sample below)
  4. List of Board of Directors and Executive Officers with Name, Title and Email Address. (Please indicate family relationship if any).
  5. Past three years activities information sheet and pictures. Or Please refer to our web page at:
  6. Past three years tax return and financial statements. (Waived if such financial information are posted on web site)

Signed (by at least two executive officers as authorized by Board of Directors with Name, Title and email address printed) and Dated.


Board Certified Resolution Sample

Upon duly called meeting of the Board of Directors of (name of NPO/NGO), it is approved that (name of NPO/NGO) will be affiliated with STUF United Fund Inc. under STUF Affiliate Program as outlined on STUF website as of today. And the following officers shall represent (name of NPO/NGO) to execute letter of intent to be affiliated with STUF United Fund Inc. and the affiliate agreements, and to provide necessary documents as needed.

(Name of TWO Executive Officers and Titles, cannot be related parties)

The above Board Resolution is hereby certified and consented by Corporate Chairman and Secretary.

________________________________________Title: Chairman  Date:_______________

________________________________________Title: Secretary  Date:_______________

We are dedicated to promoting and supporting charitable causes in the fields of disaster relief, culture and education, public health, and environmental protection.